How to properly floss?

How to properly floss?

If what’s stopping you from flossing is that you don’t know the proper technique and how to go about it, we’ll fix it with this walkthrough. Flossing is a very important step in maintaining good oral health, but doing it the right way is just as important. Here are our top dentist tips!


How to Floss Effectively

1 – First step: wash your hands. After all, you are going to put them in your mouth. Add this habit to your evening routine to integrate it more easily.


2 – Use a piece of dental floss about 30 to 45 cm long. Start by wrapping one end around your middle or index finger of the hand of your choice, then do the same with the other hand, leaving about 5cm of thread stretched between the two hands.


Note: it is important to take a long enough piece at the start, since you will need to have a clean segment to pass between each tooth.


3 – Gently slide the floss between two teeth, a bit like a saw. The goal is to avoid hitting the gum.


4 – Next, form a semi-circle around each tooth, like a “C”, going well down the sides, to the base of the tooth and don’t forget the back of the tooth.


5 – Once the first space between two teeth is complete, slide the floss between your fingers to use a new, clean segment for the next teeth.


6 – When you have thoroughly cleaned all the teeth, you can throw the dental floss in the trash. Do not flush it down the toilet.


7 – The last step is now to do a good tooth brushing to complete your cleaning routine!


And there you go! If you ever need advice on flossing, do not hesitate to discuss it with your dental hygienist at your next appointment.


How to floss with braces

If you wear braces, flossing daily is especially important to maintain your oral hygiene. On the other hand, you may be intimidated and afraid that the dental floss will get stuck in the wires. To avoid this situation, you can use orthodontic floss, which has a rigid end that makes it easier to pass under the wire. You can also use a dental floss threader to make handling easier.


We hope these few tips will help you feel confident during your next dental flossing. Remember that it is important to do this every day and between each tooth, even the back ones!

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